Success Stories

Ben Emmert-Aronson, Director of Operations at Open Source Wellness

“Our participants are constantly asking who makes our food. Knowing that the amazing food we’re eating is helping people improve their lives and get back on their feetthat’s an honor!”

Success Stories

Robert Egger, Founder of DC Central Kitchen and LA Kitchen, Food Security Advisor to the Mayor of Sante Fe, NM

“Food Shift is at the very forefront of exploring the links between food, community, economic empowerment, inclusion and health.”

Success Stories

Michael Radding, Director of Programs at Alameda Point Collaborative

“Food Shift gives our residents an invaluable kitchen experience that serves as a stepping stone to employment in the food service industry. Along the way, our residents feel challenged to expand their skills, and valued for their contribution.”

Success Stories

Peter Onderwater, Alameda Food Bank

“Food Shift provides us with high quality, fresh produce that is hard to get otherwise.”

Success Stories

Sarah Mapumulo, Chef and Culinary Trainer at Youth Employment Partnership

“There’s a visible change in clients from dull hair and skin when first starting the program, to more of a healthier radiant appearance since clients are eating less fast food and more whole foods.”